Monday, February 28, 2011
Gingerbread House Making for 12
Most years, I make a dozen gingerbread houses, enough for the kids, their friends, and myself to have fun decorating. I can tell you, from years of experience, that it is a lot of work, lots of time on my feet, and a little tiring, but totally worth it. However, I am a stay at home mom who has time for this (or makes time) during the Christmas season, and realize that this is not a realistic pursuit for many households. Still, the fun of a gingerbread house party for the kids and their friends can be done, with pre-baked gingerbread house kits. The one featured below comes with royal icing mix, gingerbread house panels, and an assortment of candies. You will want to allow time to review the candies, and purchase others, if some of your favorites are missing. However, this is a wonderful way to create the decorating experience on a large scale, with much less time and effort.