Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Christmas Tree Decorations for Your Gingerbread House
If you love detail on your gingerbread houses, then don't miss this fun tool! Gingerbread houses are individual works of art, and many of our houses through the years have included lots of yard art, like trees and snow piles. The pretzel mold featured below provide 4 1/2" by 1 1/2", sufficient size to hold a pretzel rod, retailing at $2.49. Young children may not have the dexterity and manual skills to fill the mold by themselves, but with help, can participate in creating these clever decorative elements for their gingerbread houses. Older children, ages 6-8, may also need help for detail work, while ages 9 to 11 should be able to fill the molds neatly enough. Ages 12 and up, depending on artistic ability and personality, have the potential for creating more colorful detail in the Christmas tree element of this mold.
If you are using these decorative pretzels as accents for your gingerbread yard, then use something as a base, like a marshmallow. Anchor it to your base covering with ample royal icing, allow the icing to set up for several minutes, and then insert the pretzel into the marshmallow base. You can invent other means, as well, and believe me, your kids are prime for fantastic brainstorming about how to get their desired gingerbread house effects!
Find candy melting supplies here.